Technical meeting within the framework of the Regional Convention for the Recognition of UNESCO titles

This agreement created the “Regional Network of National Recognition Structures” (CINALC) as an operational instrument that allows progress in the different lines of work that arise from the regional agreement, seeking to learn about national experiences on these issues, and strengthen joint work.

CINALC was established in the 2nd session of the Convention Committee, held in Havana, Cuba, on February 8, 2024 and will have its closing meeting of the year in Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 10.

The meeting will take place at the headquarters of the Latin American Integration Association, ALADI, contemplating a work agenda in which the results of the progress made in the three working groups created in the Network will be presented, and which are part of the work undertaken, while seeking to strengthen the exchange with other international entities linked to the recognition of qualifications, which will participate in the meeting.

Following this CINALC meeting, the 3rd meeting of the Convention Committee will be held on December 11 and 12, which will focus on the search for strategies to encourage the incorporation of more countries that, having approved the text of the Convention in in 2019, they have not yet ratified it.

Below is the work agenda planned for this meeting:

Download schedule.

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